Merry Month of May Comes To An End

Sadly, the last days of Autumn have come to an end, although not without some interesting days of Weather. Fog seems to have come thick and fast, not wanting to leave. Oh but what glorious days there were if it did. One would start the day , covered head to toe, in layers of clothing, … Read more

Yea Challenge Bowl A Great Success

What a great day, No fog, overcast yes, but no rain. Not a breath of wind, although the Autumn leaves were falling softly, they were totally falling vertically. Perfect day for Golf. We had a Bowl a little different today, wasn’t Ladies only. 48 players graced the field today. All looking to take home the … Read more

Yea Ladies Great start to the Merry Month of May!

Another Month has hit the Yea Ladies with another whack of the winner bat! Must have something to do with the little rays of sunshine, no wind and the beautiful sound of the falling Autumn leaves landing ever so softly. Nothing to stop the wee flight of the little round ball going far far away … Read more

Yea Golf Ladies Keep Stacking up the Wins!

I don’t know what is in the water of late, but the Yea Ladies seem to keep on blitzing the fields of numerous Golf Courses, near and far! Go you good things!! Following Di Holdsworth’s great score of 70 nett to win the last Monthly Medal on the 17th April at home. On the 18th, … Read more

Ladies on Fire!

What a beautiful day to be playing golf, well 15 Ladies thought so today Out we went with such high hopes of winning the second Monthly Medal. Hmmm, at the end of the day, some where not so sure they were playing on the same course as the rest of the field. We won’t mention … Read more

Yea Girls still getting a look in!

Wednesday 13th March, the Kath Homewood first round taking place on the course today. First a little run down on the significance of the competition. Kath Homewood began her golfing years with the Yea Golf Club around 1959. Kath, a very tireless and generous worker, as well as holding office for many years. Lady Captain, … Read more

Ladies Keep on Collecting!

Wow, how is the weather, a little hard to keep up, but this is Victoria. Saturday the 2nd March, 2nd day of Autumn, we had a glorious day. Judging by the frivolities on the course, and on the 19th hole, had everyone in high spirits. A few sides aching from the strenuous laughing. But any … Read more

Ladies Season 2024 Officially Open!

Well Ladies we are off and running with a brand new Season. Ready to strut our stuff! Already claiming a couple of important wins at the first Dalhousie events, the Bowl held at Alexandra, we are ready to do battle with the little round ball. I can’t say white anymore as there are just so … Read more

Ladies Golf Season off to a Hot Start!

Although Ladies Open Day for Yea Golf Season 2024 is not official until next week, our governing body, Dalhousie District, have held their first Bowl, for Season 2024. A for Alexandra being the first cab off the rank. And what a hot start it was! I for one totally expired, the body protesting profusely at … Read more

Girls still coming up with the Goods!

With the tournament being a busy week I think everyone was looking for a wee rest as only four Ladies came to play on Saturday 25th. Lucky me had a little win with 30 points. Although, two of our Ladies were obviously resting up big for the following day. Sunday 26th. Competition held at Eildon. … Read more