Ladies Golf Season off to a Hot Start!

Although Ladies Open Day for Yea Golf Season 2024 is not official until next week, our governing body, Dalhousie District, have held their first Bowl, for Season 2024.

A for Alexandra being the first cab off the rank. And what a hot start it was! I for one totally expired, the body protesting profusely at my idea that golf would be fun in the heat. I shall think twice next time. Those who brought a cart chose wisely. The Aircon never felt sooo good. Sitting in the car ride on the way home, the temp gauge was reading 38, no wonder I felt exhausted.

BUT, the good news is that some of us did not expire, but excelled. Proudly I am very happy to report, our girls did us Proud. Top effort girls!!!!!.

We did not win the bowl, local Team Alexandra managed that. Congratulations girls, it is always nice to keep your own bowl at home.

Out of a field of 41, 7 of our Ladies graced their course, which was looking in top condition, to take a chance on maybe having a great day with the golf stick and ball. Some did! Some didn’t. So, without no further adieu, not one , but two of our lovely ladies came home with the goods. Firstly Margie Wright winning B grade with a magnificent score, 39 points!! Your a Legend. Closely followed by Sharon Grogan, winning C Grade with a 33. Go Yea !!!

The winning did not end there. Dalhousie who have a competition for the Season, Player of the Year, sponsored by the Bendigo Bank, decided this year, to coincide with the Men’s competition to have, instead of the five top player points, as in previous years, to the first top 10 players. Players can not accumulate points at events held at their own clubs. So today Margie Wright had the top score and further down were Sharon Grogan, Vicki Clements and Di Elliott scoring some first valuable points. Vicki also managed to win a very nice raffle prize. We all had a very nice lunch to top the day and lots of laughs in the cool club rooms. Next week it is off to Hidden Valley.

This coming Wednesday the 28th we are having our opening day. All are welcome to come and have a hit. 9 holes 2 person Ambrose. We will find you a partner if need be. The game will be followed by a spot of lunch and refreshments. 9.00 for 9.30 start. Hope to see you all there! HAPPY GOLFING EVERYONE.

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