Collated History
In early 2023 Club member Russ Wealands compiled the following booklet which collates the history of the Club over the past 100 years.
Russ contacted a number of past members gaining access to historical information, milestone events, press clippings and photos from as far back as 1952. He collated the information into a booklet providing more detail of the Club’s proud 100 year history.
Hard copies of these booklets can be ordered from the Club at a cost of $20 each. Contact Phil Armstrong 0488 450 465 or Michael Sheather 0412 928 962
More detailed information contained in Club records and those of past members. These have been scanned and uploaded to this website for those wishing to learn more.

Barry Moore Collection
Life Member and 18 times Club Champion, Barry Moore has generously allowed the Club to scan his personal scrapbooks which he kept during his playing career. These contain media clippings for the period 1952-1985 – a period of some 33 year. The contents provide a wonderful insight to the development of the Club and the achievements of its Members during that period.
The links below are to Barry’s scanned pdf files of his scrapbooks.

Edna Baynes’ Scrapbook
Jack & Edna Baynes played during the 1970’s and 80’s. Edna kept a scrapbook with a greater focus on the Associates/Ladies results complimenting Barry’s scrapbook.
Newsletters – ‘Teed Off‘

‘Teed off‘, was an informative newsletter that kept Members abreast of news around the Club during the transition from sand scrapes to greens. Some 14 Newsletters are available for viewing by clicking n the download button below.