Tuesday saw 12 men play away at Melbourne Airport GC. They had 20 or more players attend our Cup Ambrose Event last year, so it was fitting that we attended their course as well. Wonderful hospitality from their President Ravi and his endorsement that we will both have reciprocal rights included with our memberships in the near future. Best of the Yealiens was Phil Armstrong with 33 points from Anthony Coleman and Jeff Aurisch with 30 each. Phil and Mic Sheather won the 4 Ball with 39 points.
Saturday saw a big field of 24 compete in the Monthly Medal and putting. Winner was Captain Alan Pell(16) with nett 68 from second Andrew Bohn(7) and third Steve Rumney(26) also on nett 71. Fourth on CB was Tony Rule(18) from fifth Tom White(17) on 73 nett, Trevor Cotton won the NTP on the 2nd and RickWills won the putting with 26 putts.
Sunday saw the Yea GC Pennant Team play in the final of Pennant 2024. Unfortunately the boys lost 2-3 to Eildon at Strathbogie. Brendan Chenhall won 2-1 and Tom White won 3-1. Rick Wills lost 3-2 , Tony Rule lost 4-3 and Captain Greg Clements lost on the 21st hole!! So close but not to be. Many congratulations to all that played this season.
Highlight of the day was a hole in one by young Tom White. Playing the eighth a 150m Par 3 hole, he hit a 7 iron that bounced before the green and then rolled all the way in! He is 15 and only played golf the last two years.