Twenty four players on Easter Saturday played a stableford round at Royal Yea. With rain required pretty soon, the course is still in remarkably good shape. Best result and winner of the day was Penny Britton(33) with 43 points! All that practice up north at Albury Golf Week certainly paying off.
Second on CB was young Oakley Ness(33) with 41 from Third Kevin Coghlan(23). Fourth with 39 points was Sue Aurisch(34), fifth Di Elliott(28) with 37 on CB from sixth Rick Wills(8). Phil Armstrong and Rob O’Halloran also had 37 points. NTP on the 10th for 2 was Zach Pell for the men and Di Elliott for 3 for the Ladies. Brendan Chenhall took out the Club Award on CB with 29 points!
Wednesday sees the men playing stableford and on Saturday the final round of the Barry Moore Trophy. Leaders on round one were Malcolm Bett on 42, Phil Armstrong 41, Martin Lowe 40, Steve Rumney 37, Kevin Coghlan 37, Mic Spagnolo 35 and Peter Johnston 34.