AGM and Wednesday Golf.

Wednesday’s golf for the men saw 14 blokes in 7 teams play Multiply Stableford. Conditions were still a little heavy although no rain hindered the round. Winners with a score of 58 were Phil Armstrong(20) and Jonathan Fisher(12). Runner’s Up were Peter Johnston(16) and Alan Pell(15) with 55 from third Brian Simmons(12) and Mic Sheather(32) with 54. Brian Priestley was NTP on the 14th and Gary Pollard and Rick Wills won the Club Award. Saturday’s golf for the Men is Stableford from the Red Tees.

Due to the weather and having many members still up north, the planned Anti-Cancer 3 Person Ambrose Event scheduled for next Wednesday has been postponed until Wednesday 7th September. Stableford rounds will be played on the 24th August instead. The Men’s Par 3 scheduled for the 7th September will now be played on Wednesday August 31st. To totally confuse you all, the Mixed 4Ball Championships which were suppose to be on June 26th are now scheduled for Saturday the 23rd November.

Cheryl Roberts is kindly coordinating Golf lessons run by a Golf pro from the House of Golf, Ringwood, and has sent a message for all Yea players. If you wish to take up the offer of the Golf Clinics or have any enquiries please contact Cheryl Roberts.
Date.       Tuesday 11th October – Women only (first one)
Mostly short game, concepts, techniques, troubleshooting, questions and answers
Hoping for 2 clinics of 6-8 each – total of 16 attendees
Approx time between 1 and 11/2 hours
First clinic late morning, small break and then second. Balls will be provided.
Girls to bring own clubs.
Anthony the Pro will be conducting with help from Jason.
Cost is $30 per head
Gift cards are being given out on the day for $25 to be used at House of
Golf, extremely generous. Any questions, call me
Cheryl x

Tuesday night saw the AGM conducted and included below are the President and Captains Reports. The club is in a sound financial position but all members are reminded that yearly fees are due now.

Yea Golf Club Inc. President’s report 2021-2022

Overall, this past 12 months has been a successful year for our club. We had been through a period of some disharmony, and I’m pleased this aspect of our club has markedly improved. I think in any organization such as ours there will always be the occasional disagreement and difference of opinion. It is a part of life but so is how we all manage and cope with those occasions. I’m thankful to everyone playing for their part in this effort. The benefits have been in increased playing numbers on competition days (particularly pleasing has been the increased fields for women’s competitions), a marked increase in social golf with more green fee players and many members enjoying social golf in the evenings and on weekends during the better weather and of course the improvement in our financial position. The standard of the course continues to improve, particularly the maintenance of the rough, and despite some water supply difficulties, the greens have continued to improve.

Plans are in place to create a practice putting green adjacent to the 1st tee and this will also serve as a green’s nursery. We will also review our equipment to see if we can further improve the course presentation. We finished the year with around $100,000 in our accounts so we are in a good position to look at improving our equipment.

Covid-19 presented difficulties in managing the social aspects of club life, however as restrictions eased this situation improved. Hopefully, once warmer weather starts, we can be more active socially.

I would like to thank everyone who has been involved with our club this year. A great many members give their time generously and it is very much appreciated. I have been particularly pleased by the way people have stepped into roles when needed because of illness and people being away. Our secretary Vicki Clements, treasurer Peter Johnston, captains Jan Wealands and Alan Pell have done an excellent job in trying circumstances during Covid restrictions. Thanks also to Di Holdsworth for her role directing catering and club house duties, to Sharon Grogan for being the driver behind the club cart acquisition project. Also, thanks to Greg Clements and Peter Keast for their roles directing the on course maintenance. Many thanks to all those members involved in the course maintenance and to those involved around the club house with catering and arranging club functions. And of course, many thanks to Michael Sheather and his assistants for the bar management. Alan Pell, Phil Armstrong, Jan Wealands and Karen Sangster have done a great job with club news and reports. There would be nothing to read in the Chronicle if it wasn’t for the golf club news.

Thank you everyone for your support this year and I look forward to another year of progress for Yea Golf Club.

Gary Pollard

Ladies Captain’s Report

Summer and Autumn proved busy times with highlights being: Girls winning the Summer Gender Challenge. A very well attended and successful Yea Bowl with Jason from House of Golf attending. Arrangements are in place with Jason for some golf clinics later this year. Our Pennant team playing in the A Grade final. Good numbers of ladies playing Wednesdays, up to 16 some weeks.  Also Saturday golf for ladies showing better numbers.

Winter this year has proved quite challenging with adverse conditions and many ladies away. Some program changes have subsequently been made. Coordinating golf events with the Men’s program where possible seemed to work well. Onegolf and MiScore are being well used and accepted. Thank you to Wayne Rowe for all his support.

Thankyou to all the ladies who help in a variety of ways but a special mention to Karen Sangster who entertains us on a regular basis with her golf write-ups. Great work Karen. And Congratulations to Adrianne for being named in the Dalhousie Country Teams Squad.

Jan Wealands

Mens Captain Report

Firstly, I would like to express my personal thanks to the many volunteers who help this club function. As Mens Captain, can I mention a few important contributions to my role. Jan Wealands as Ladies Captain has supported me and worked along with our new Match Committee to ensure we have a balanced program of events. Our Match Committee( Adrianne, Miranda, Jan, Bob G., Wayne and myself) have only met a couple of times but we have a system in place to initiate change. Wayne Rowe as our One Golf Coordinator has been outstanding in his time and efforts to assist. Phil Armstrong as step-in Captain on days when I have been away has been a tremendous asset. Russell Wealands contribution on getting our digital syllabus organised and printed, along with Steve Wealands updating our website records are contributions really appreciated by me.

Secondly, our results this past year have seen Lachie Wischer, Brendan Chenhall and Phil  Armstrong win their respective Grades at the 2021 Club Championships. Again we were well represented in the Murrindindi Masters over the summer. Many thanks to Vicki Clements for her coordination of these events. We also run a very successful Gender Challenge over the summer with 30+ members involved most Wednesdays. Congratulations to the ladies on their win earlier in the year.

The men visited Warburton GC twice this year with 16 attending the Xmas Trip and 8 in May. The Boards in the Clubhouse were updated in February. We receive free engraving and trophies from Ken Whitfort(Seymour Sports). Specially made Trophies for Board Events are produced by John Tanner as well.  John’s contribution also incudes being Chooklotto coordinator which is richly appreciated by all who attend. In the last week of March, a very successful(despite Covid) Golf Week was held with 19 golfers and over 30 Yealiens attending Myrtleford, Bright and Mt.Beauty Golf Clubs with Anthony Coleman/Alan Pell being equal Champions. We have 5 members who represent Yea at Dalhousie Vets and I encourage any others(55+) to join and experience other volunteer clubs in the district.

This past year we have had challenges of Covid, wet weather and the usual travel north of many of our members. We do at this stage have several events which we can all look forward to.  

September 23rd – Bruce Kindred Cup – Friday Grand Final Eve.

October 21st – Yea Corporate & Trade Day – Friday.

Golf Week 2023 – March 26th(Sun.) – 31st(Thurs.) to be held at Barham playing at Cohuna and Murray Downs as well.

Many thanks to all members for your continued support,

Alan Pell

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