Monday, another day for Pennant. Things weren’t looking the best when we all awoke, not only was it freezing, the rain drops were falling. Lots of long faces. Dressed for the worst, off we trundled to Seymour, expecting a long day of playing in the rain. But wait, no it was not to be. The closer we got to Seymour, a glimpse of clear among the dreary clouds. Then wow, sun shine, peering through the clouds. All was not lost. Half way around, it was back to taking off the layers. What a relief. Today was the day we did battle with Team Romsey. Another formable team, it was not, going to be a walk in park, by any means .All the book work done, it was off to do battle, and a battle it was, many not finishing their games until nearly the end. We certainly got our money’s worth. Team today, Miranda Gill, Karen Sangster, Margie Wright, Di Elliott & Sue Aurisch, did their best but unfortunately today was not our day, winning only two of the five games. Romsey’s turn today winning 3/2. Thus our reign of being top of the ladder slipped to second place. One more game to go, decides who, are going to be in the finals. Go Yea we can do it.
Thursday, was the day of our Yearly Challenge Bowl. We were promised sunshine, but none of that was evident at the beginning of the day. Fog, hanging around, made for damp greens and fairways. Nonetheless, around 40 players from near and far, made their way to their tees, ready to start the days competition. Lots of interesting tales to tell, the golfers lament. There were those that had merrier tales to tell, obviously, those that were in the winning circle.
But before I get into the winner announcements, MANY THANKS must go out to the many helpers, that make an event like this a success. Our volunteers are just the best, all pitching in, you are all so very much appreciated for your efforts. The jobs to numerous to mention, but they know who they all are. Thank you.
Another very special moment today, two of our elderly Life Members, Myrna Patterson, who called in, and our Norma Tobias accompanied by Laraine Callander, a many time A Grade Champion, and member Mary Fran Coonan, joined us for lunch and presentation. What a beautiful lunch it was. I did not hear anyone complaining, other than they wanted seconds.
Now Drum Roll, Winner of the Yea Challenge Bowl, Yea Team 2. Team winners, another life member, Miranda Gill, who informs us that in all the years she has been associated with the club, has never won a bowl. Another very special moment. Next member, Sharon Grogan, although a relatively new member, another first. Lastly myself Karen Sangster proudly the third member in the team. Thank you girls, another top effort and achievement for our club. We get to keep our bowl. Sorry Seymour, who were close behind.
Once again another Big Thank you to all who helped and to those that came and joined us for the day. It was great to see you all. Come again soon. Happy Golfing Everyone.

Go Grogee!