Mens Golf Early December

Wednesday the 4th December we had 16 men play stableford on the day. It was a good practice round for the Gender Competition as the ladies were in Mansfield for their breakup. Winner was Trevor Connell(19) on CB from Mic Spagnolo(6) with 37 points each. Third was Allan Coates(10) with 35 from fourth Mic Sheather(25) with34 on CB from fifth Rob O’Halloran(21). NTP on the 2nd was Rob O’Halloran and Bill Dredge took out the Club Award.

Saturday 7th December saw players competing for the Monthly Medal – Stroke round. It was also the Gold Medal Play-off with the best Medallist score from the previous year being the winner.

Saturday sunshine between the showers.

Monthly Medallist was Brian Simmons(11) on CB from the Gold Medallist Mic Spagnolo(6) both with nett 69. Third on CB with nett 70 was Rob O’Halloran(21) from Gary Pollard(12) fourth, with Rick Wills(8) fifth with nett 72. Tom White was NTP on the 2nd, Mic Spagnolo won the putting with 24 putts and the Club Award went to Phil Armstrong.

Tuesday the 10th December saw 20 blokes travel to Benalla GC for their Xmas breakup. The course was great and the club accomodating with an excellent lunch available. Winner of the individual competition was Michael Sheather(26) on CB from Bob Glenister(13) both with 37 points. The winners of the 4 Ball Best Ball were Russell Wealands(26) and John Phillips(20) with an excellent 47 points! The ball run down went to 31 points.

Interesting next shot at Benalla! Ball made it to the edge.

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