24 players contested a stableford event at Royal Yea GC on Wednesday. Tom White(41) finished strongly to take out the comp with 41 points. Playing his last hole, the third (rated the hardest) he had a fine par 4 for 5 stableford points!
Second with 38 points on CB was Anthony Coleman(6) from third Brian Priestley(27). Fourth with 37 points was Neil Peterson(15) from fifth Karen Sangster(25)on 36 on CB from Adiannne Anglin(12) and Michael Spagnolo(7).
NTP on the 14th were Miranda Gill for the ladies and Alan Pell for the men. Jeff Aurisch took out the Club Award. Saturday will see a stableford round for the men and a stableford round for the ladies.
Merry Christmas to all Yealiens and looking forward to 2023!!!