Wednesday saw 19 players at Royal Yea Golf Course competing in a 4BBB event. Winners of the day were Chris Smith(26) and Brian Priestley(29) with 42points. Runner’s Up were Chris Smith and Steve Rumney(31) with 41 points on CB from Peter Johnston(14) and Rob O’Halloran(18). Individual Winner with 35 points was Peter Johnston on CB from Bob Glenister(9). Club Award Winners were Neil Ross and Graeme Bryant. There was no NTP on the 2nd.
Tuesday saw a record number of 14 men volounteering to work on the course. It was tremendous to see such dedication to improve our course. Thursday saw 5 men play Dalhousie Veterans at Seymour. Best of the Yealiens was Alan Pell with 36 points. Saturday sees the second round of the Club Championships.