John Tanner Golf Reports

A total of four players made their way out to the first tee yesterday in steady rain and after being verbally challenged by an unknown person of unknown sex settled down to play a round of stable ford golf.
lt was a battle royale which saw the rules of golf challenged on several occasions. Carl Maffei didn’t let the grass grow under his feet and went on to score a thrilling one point victory from Neil Peterson on count back from John Tanner.
Carl Maffei…….31pts (28). Neil Peterson………30pts (12).
Nearest the pin on the 11th. saw 2 balls on the green with Kevin Coghlan producing a pin high result for the prize. Kevin also picked up the Club Award and added another T Shirt to his wardrobe.
A great effort to those who put in the hard work in coring & sanding of the greens; well done lads.

A reminder about the 9 & Dine this Friday.

John Tanner

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