Season comes to an end

Last but not least! Ladies Competition, Tues and Thursday night clinics all coming to and end. Clinics having been a roaring success Ladies have had an absolute ball. Not enough thanks can go to the time and effort generated in making the clinics such a positive experience and in so increasing Lady members. Doreen Lehmann and her many helpers have got the job done and wish to continue next year, already having a waiting list! We just love watching the club grow. Go Girls. Another positive, the practice has honed the talents all in readiness for the Gender Challenge starting 2nd December. Only one round for all to get just a little taste before the end of year Xmas Celebrations take over. Then it’s back to business! Look our gentlemen we have increased in numbers and the new talent just might give you a run for your money!

Thanks to the easing of covid regulations this year the girls, thanks to Cheryl Roberts and her organising skills we are tripping off to the Yering Golf Club for an easy nine holes! Well we all have carts that’s easy. The course well that’s another story. The course has these holes with sand in them all around the place. Our course hasn’t. Just a little challenge for fun girls then of course we will complete the day with lunch, beverages umm other way round perhaps depending how many holes we all fell into. Then onto the Winning Presentations for the year completed in the most unusual way. Next year NORMAL will be back.

The past 2 weeks has been the last competition for the Ladies being the Mona Clark Aggregate Stableford. Mona began her golf addiction age 18 in 1934 continuing such for over 50 years earning herself a Life Membership. Mona was also Lady President for 1963, 64 & 65. The first Shield was awarded in 1984.

First round 18th Nov there was fire on the course, someone burning their way to victory another following in her wake, tip toeing closely behind trying to get sucked into the vacuum of hot competition not quite getting there but pretty close. Christine Simmons (25) had a blistering 40 pts,( also daily winner) followed by Margie Wright (26) 38 pts Margie also having a gobbler. Another gobbler claimed for the day Judi Newman. Awesome girls!

Second round 25th Nov Regi Bell (34) decided to give it a whirl stepping up her pace to have another sizzling score 39pts, must be something in the water or lack off all a tad hot and it isn’t even summer yet. Unfortunately for Regi not enough. The fire bird was not yet ready to be extinguished. To save all of her energies the Queen rocked up sporting a brand new cart. Pretty swish to say the least and just to prove she hadn’t lost much of the flame came in with another top score. Handicap dropped from last week (24) another 38 pts securing her name to be added to the Mona Clark Shield! Well done Christine mighty fine Golf. Top way to end the year. Other wins for the day Adrianne Anglin another Birdie gobbler to add to her collection plus NTP on the 18th.

Well girls next week rest up, Sharpen up the wits, clean the equipment and bring the matches we have a course to burn. Follow in Christine’s footsteps! Before we go out check the men haven’t put in the extinguishers ha ha Happy golfing Everyone!!!!

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