Unsung Heroes and Men’s Club Knockout

Over the last few weeks with the lockdown in force, the Yea Golf Club has had several members who have taken it upon themselves to improve our club. I am not overlooking the usual volounteer workers in Jeff Aurisch, Bill Dredge, Gary Pollard, Ray Partridge, Russell Wealands and Peter Keast but I want to mention three members who took it upon themselves to contribute.

Neil Ross (along with Bill) has spent countless hours sanding and grooming our greens, which are the best they have been for sometime. Terry Chaplin put our new Men’s Board and Ladies Life Members Board on the walls of our Clubrooms. And Sue Aurisch, along with many hours on the whipper snipper, painted all our distance marker posts. It reinforces that our club is a reflection of the many fine people involved.

Our annual Men’s Knockout will be conducted again this year. Due to the lockdown, all rounds will be put back a month with the first round due to be finished by the end of June. The draw will be conducted on the weekend, any member not wishing to participate can they notify Pelly by this Saturday please.

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