John Tanner(20) had a marvellous score of 41 points again this Saturday. He repeated his efforts of last week but this time the scores will count towards his handicap, after last week’s result was played from shorter tees.
Second was Kevin Coghlan(16) with 40 points. A big improvement from the Club Award last week! Third with 38 points was Jeff Aurisch(17) from Michael Spagnolo(10) with 35 points.
Jonathon Fisher was NTP on the second and Bruce Kindred won the Club Award.
Michael Spagnolo also won both the scratch 57 and handicap 52 summer eclectic competitions. Alan Pell with 60 was runner up in the scratch and Kevin Coghlan with 57.5 was runner up in the handicap.
Well done to my Dad (John Tanner)