Bill Dredge Wins Monthly Medal

With the sun shining and the course looking great, 16 men contested the Monthly Medal on Saturday.  Bill Dredge (26) received his first Monthly Medal with a net 69.  Rick Wills(7) with 70 was second and Michael Spagnolo(14) with 72 was third.  John Tanner with 24 putts won the putting and Rob OHalloran won NTP closest to 10th after 2 shots. The Club Award was again closely fought with newcomer Michael Hiluy beating Trevor Connell by CB.

Neil Peterson, Bill Dredge and Sam Wright with the Monthly Medal, no it's the Melbourne Cup!
Neil Peterson, Bill Dredge and Sam Wright with the Monthly Medal, no it’s the Melbourne Cup!

Reminder that the midweek gender challenge starts again this Wednesday.  Hit off at 8:30am.

Good to see Peter Mulholland back on the course
Good to see Peter Mulholland back on the course


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