There were 15 players on Wednesday morning playing the white tee markers for a change. The shorter course should have seen players scoring 68 in order to play to their handicap.. Winner was Peter Johnston with a nett 70, who won on CB from Brendan Chennall 2nd with Neil Peterson also on 70 3rd. Gary Pollard won the NTP on the second and Alan Pell won the putting with 27 putts. The club award was won by Bruce Kindred.
Ladies Comp
It was terrific to have two of our ‘9 hole’ ladies step up this week to play the 18 this week. Well done Merrin Tulloch and Christine Young, it’s wonderful to have you join us.
Twelve Ladies played for the Monthly Medal with Captain Jan having her best game recording a net 65 and just 24 putts. Adrianne Anglin was Runner up with a handy nett 70. NTP went to Vicky Butler but sadly she missed her birdie by a whisker.