REMINDER – Footjoy Rep Visits Yea Golf Club tomorrow!

A reminder that the Footjoy representative will be at the clubrooms of ‘Royal’ Yea Golf Club tomorrow (Wednesday 16 August) irrespective of the weather so, if it’s too wet/cold for you to enjoy a round of golf please come along for lunch.

Footjoy are best known for their terrific Golf Shoes, but they also have a great range of clothing apparel and golf accessories.

Now here’s an idea ….Father’s day isn’t far off (Hint: for all those kids looking for a pressie for their golfing old man!)

Members are requested to bring something to share, enjoy a BBQ snag and get yourself a nice new pair of Footjoy shoes for the coming spring/summer. Even get two to finish off the winter if your current pair is starting to leak.

If working tomorrow you are still welcome to pop out for a short while to see the display. Get yourself a great discount and also help the Club make a small profit for the day.

Budding golfers and Members from neighbouring clubs are all invited to come along too and pick up a bargain.


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