Gender Challenge – Men close the Gap!

The smiling Men’s assassin – Bill Dredge

With the Men outnumbering the Girls 2:1 last Wednesday they were heavily backed into favouritism to win this pre-Christmas round of the Gender Challenge….. but the Ladies insisted that Quality was more important than Quantity!

Laraine did her best to make the Men cook, yet again

Well, the Men, capably led by Bill Dredge (39 pts) proved them wrong (winning narrowly on countback from Laraine Calendar), and then supported by Bob Glenister, Gary Pollard and the ‘Go Kart Kid‘ Ivor Brayley who all returned fine scores of 37, This, together with winning the best average score gave the Men that much needed ‘kick up the backside’ for their form in the early rounds and has put them within reach of catching the Ladies over the next few weeks. Alan Pell was NTP and Ladies Captain, Jan just wanted to show what a good ‘Club’ Woman she was taking out the Club Award with good nature.

Jan graciously accepts the Club Award

The webmaster, together with the Club’s Committee wish all Members a very Merry Christmas and good golfing in 2017! Take care, hope you get lots of golf goodies in your Santa Sacks,

Golf returns to our normal program – as per our booklet (online copy available) here.

Visiting golfers and those who lucky enough to receive new clubs this Xmas or who have made it their New Year’s resolution to join and enjoy all the fun of golfing at ‘Royal Yea’ are encouraged to come along during the next few weeks.

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